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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Why Home Ownership Beats Stocks

Hi Neighbors! Much has been going on; marketing, networking and keeping my hopes and dreams alive, which has been quite a task at this time of my life. One major life change is that I now am a FULL -TIME realtor and able to start devoting ALL my efforts to the field I do enjoy. As well as inform you all of the latest news and give you helpful tips on what is going on in the real estate arena. Here in Long Beach, real estate is finally beginning to move giving us all a brighter view of what's to come. Thank GOD, I'm tired of living on cereal and Cup of Noodles, ok I may be exagerating a bit but sometimes it feels that way.
Listed on my favs section are some great up to date links to some informative and reliable real estate news sites that can be very helpful, please check them out as well as the link to the newest listings on the MLS on Find My New Home.
Recently I was chatting with a broker friend of mine and we got into a bit of a debate concerning what really is the best investment one could endure. Well I believe there is no better investment than real estate because over time it appreciates (regardless of our little slump). All you need to do is keep your home in good repair in order to maximize your out take.
Here are a few reasons why you get more for your money with a house:
  • Leverage: Stocks-you put your money in a little piece of a company. House-you put your money to get all of the house.

  • Tax benefits: All I can say here is SUBSIDIES! Thanks Uncle Sam. Don't forget the tax write-offs, interest rate deductions, and depreciation.

  • Control: Remember when you buy stocks, you are paying some CEO approximately 500 times the average worker's salary to make decisions with YOUR money and well I don't want to bring up ENRON, oops I just did. That's just one example we could go on and on and on about corporate abuse or should I just say THEFT! When you purchase a home, you have complete control of what you buy, what you pay and where you live. You also have the ablility to increase the value with repairs and updates!

  • Value: Unless some act of nature or a major castastrophe occurs, your house will not become worthless. Yes, some are losing a few percent this year; however you/they will make it up. Housing has lost value only one year out of 35, so don't freak out!

Keep this in mind....when it rains, which would you rather have over your head, a roof or a stock certificate?

Well as I stated, all my efforts are in the real estate biz; however I do have another project I am working on and that is a wonderful community website. It offers a community calendar, discussion forum, local government & school info, free classifieds and much more...Check it out

Below is a little peak at me and some friends this past weekend at a great event held by Sam @ HB Skin Spa. Check it out and I'll see you around the neighborhood!


Anonymous said...

We keep seeing that video everywhere...looks like a damn good time...again we are sorry we missed it!

Anonymous said...

We had a blast that night! With summer coming we have so many places to go and things to do! keep coming back for more!